Chile Gallery
My first fieldwork in Chile was in 1990-91 and then from 2001 to present. I am grateful to Chilean colleagues for their friendship over the years and for introducing me to many of these spectacular sights.
Faulted folds, Sierra de Puquios
Puquios "chaos"
Qubrada de Tiliviche
San Pedro de Atacama
Volcan Licancabur
Bajo Molle EW thrust fault over Quaternary beach deposits
Atajaña sunset
Salitre wagons at the British Cemetery
La Mano de Desierto
Miocene strat in 80 m high sea cliffs at Caleta Herradura
Tal Tal
Quaternary on Quaternary normal fault
Caleta Herradura
Barchan dune, Ilo Peninsula, southern Peru
Bounce marks from a boulder that fell during the 2014 Pisagua great earthquake
Caleta Herradura
Río Loa Canyon entrenched meander with multiple terraces
Salar Grande from the air
Field camp at end of the day
Iquique Golf Course