Stereonet 11
Stereonet 11 is a huge release with a completely new and robust internal data structure and an openGL 3D view of the lower hemisphere for teaching purposes. It includes almost all of the goodness of Stereonet 10 and lots of subtle new tweaks as well (check out the detailed version history, below). This version of Stereonet is compatible with all modern operating systems and has a modern user interface which has been modeled after OSXStereonet for Mac by Nestor Cardozo and me. It can read and write older Stereonet text files, can read the Stereonet 11 binary files, but saves its data in a new binary format.
Log4J Note: Stereonet is not written in Java, has no logging mechanism and is thus not subject to the Log4J exploit. Websites that Stereonet may contact by explicit user action (StraboSpot, Google Maps, etc.) may or may not be affected. Check those sites for information.
Check update notes below for a special message about the Windows version before updating!
Version History
Versions 11.6.1 — 2024.10.07
FIXED: A bug that would cause a crash if you choose File>Save as PDF and then canceled the save file dialog box (Thanks, Caroline!).
IMPROVED: The Key for the diagram will now include mean vectors and Bingham axes. Line spacing has been improved and the maximum width is now fixed correctly, with long entries wrapping as they should.
The Azimuth labels now read “030” and “060” rather than “30” and “60”
Versions 11.6.0 — 2024.05.23
NEW: Plot a diagram “Key” or “Legend” to the right of the stereonet plot. The legend is toggled on or off in the Plot Menu (Plot>Key). The key, which now includes the color bar for contour diagrams, is saved when you output or copy a PDF of the plot.
IMPROVED: PDFs of plots now include transparency
CHANGED: The lovely 3D symbols for Google Earth, courtesy of Tom Blenkinsop) are no longer stored on the Cornell geo server (because Cornell has decommissioned that server with no replacement in the offing). Stereonet now installs the symbols locally on your system the first time it runs. Google Earth will look for the symbol definitions locally when it reads the KML file. This means: (1) you can only view the 3D symbols in Google Earth on systems that have Stereonet installed, (2) a KML file generated on a Mac cannot be used on a Windows computer or vice versa, and (3) the symbols only work in the desktop version of Google Earth, not the web version!
Versions 11.5.5 — 2024.03.22
FIXED (Windows & Linux): A crash that could occur at startup of the most recent prior version of Stereonet has been fixed.
FIXED (All Versions): A message box indicating an unlicensed plugin has been rectified.
FIXED (Mac Version): The .pkg installer now really does install a universal binary (for both ARM and Intel macs). Previously, it would only install the Intel version.
FIXED (Mac Version): The box showing latitude and longitude in the map view is now legible and renders as expected.
Versions 11.5.3, 11.5.4 — 2023.11.09
FIXED: In the 3D view, on high DPI screens (e.g., Mac “retina” screens), the plot would appear as a ¼ sized stereonet in the lower left corner of the screen. This has been fixed in this version. The 3D stereonet will be full sized on any type of screen (and will look smoother on retina screens, too!).
Stereonet can now read and parse immediately GMDE orientation text files and GMDE orientation data on the clipboard.
Versions 11.5.1 — 2023.06.16
Compiled as a Universal Binary so Stereonet now runs natively, and faster, on Apple Silicon (M1/M2 Macs).
FIXED a bug where the 3D view would use only the lower left corner of the 3D view pane on M1/M2 Macs. This is actually a bug in Rosetta, the emulation system, not my code. recompiling as a universal binary has fixed that. Turns out that this version did not fix the problem but 11.5.3 does!
Versions 11.5.0, 11.5.1 — 2022.11.14
NEW (Mac only): Measure distance and azimuth in the satellite map view by holding down the Shift Key and then clicking and dragging in the map view. The measured values appear in the upper right corner of the view while you drag.
NEW (Mac only): The satellite map view has been improved and now shows dip values. You can also toggle the display of either checked or selected values right in the map view tab.
FIXED: A bug that resulted in UNchecked datasets being rotated when the “all checked datasets” radio button in the rotate dialog was selected. Now, unchecked datasets will not be rotated (Thanks, Abe).
Versions 11.4.5 — 2022.10.20
FIXED: A bug that prevented the rose diagram from displaying as a separate rose diagram (instead of on top of the stereonet) when plotting of all other features was turned off.
FIXED: If you plot a rose diagram for several different datasets, a separate mean vector will be shown for each dataset. Previously, the mean vector was only shown for the first dataset.
FIXED: A bug that would cause a crash if an ad hoc line or planes dataset was deleted and then the user tried to add new lines or planes via the mouse (Thanks, Leo).
FIXED: A bug that would cause a crash when trying to export an ad hoc dataset as a text file to Stereonet Mobile.
Versions 11.4.4 — 2022.10.08
FIXED: Version 11.4 inadvertently disabled the importing of .csv and .tab text files. That functionality has been restored in the new version 11.4.4 (Thanks, Jeremy).
Versions 11.4.3 — 2022.08.12
FIXED: Unchecking a data point will now cause the program to recalculate the mean vector if one is showing. Previously, the program would use all of the data points regardless of whether or not an individual datum was checked (thanks, Alex).
Versions 11.4.2 — 2022.06.25
Fix for a bug introduced in v. 11.4.1 where the program would crash while trying to read a Stereonet Mobile text file.
Fix for the fact that StraboSpot still writes Stereonet Mobile v. 1 files, even though that format is now on v. 4.
Note: if your computer is set to the new Yukon or NW Territories time zones in NW Canada, Stereonet does not know about them yet and will crash. Setting your computer to Mountain or Pacific time (depending on which is appropriate will fix the problem)
Versions 11.4.1 — 2022.06.02
Updated to be able to read the new file formats generated by Stereonet Mobile v. 4.0.
You can now copy and paste between Mac and iOS versions of Stereonet using Apple’s Universal Clipboard technology. For this to work, both the Mac and the iPhone or iPad have to be registered to the same AppleID.
Minor bug Fixes.
Versions 11.4.0 — 2022.04.08
Mac version only — The map in Stereonet for mac now uses Apple MapKit and has significantly increased functionality. All selected orientations will be displayed on the map and you can display orientations from different data sets and they will be shown with the data set color. You can also use the lasso in the map to select orientations from any checked dataset. Future versions will build on this functionality. This only exists in Mac versions because MapKit can only be used on Mac computers and iOS devices.
Windows & Linux versions only – The map tab has been removed. If you want to keep the map tab, do not upgrade to this version. Google is dropping support for Internet Explorer which Stereonet for Windows uses internally to show the satellite image. In fact, the map view was always hobbled by the fact that Windows cannot display overlapping controls and therefore Stereonet could never display the strike and dip symbols.
Parsing text file and clipboard text dialog now has a column for individual point labels.
You can now set the font size of point labels in the Inspector Palette. The font size is specified on a per data set basis so you can use different sizes on different data sets (thanks, Connan).
Labels are now carried over when you calculate poles from planes or planes from poles.
Various bug fixes
Versions 11.3.7 — 2022.03.05
Windows & Linux versions only – The map tab has been removed. If you want to keep the map tab, do not upgrade to this version. Google is dropping support for Internet Explorer which Stereonet for Windows uses internally to show the satellite image. In fact, the map view was always hobbled by the fact that Windows cannot display overlapping controls and therefore Stereonet could never display the strike and dip symbols. The map view remains completely functional in Stereonet for Mac OS.
Fixed a bug in windows where closing the Inspector while the color pick was showing would cause a crash.
Fixed a bug where the incomplete internationalization of the text input box for adjusting the margins of a plot in the Inspector could cause the plot to disappear (actually it was just plotting very, very small!).
Versions 11.3.6 — 2021.11.18
Importing text files and clipboard text with different localizations than the host computer is now more robust. This means that Stereonet should correctly interpret the decimal separator (a period in some countries, a comma in many others). In particular the decimal separator popup menu in the Parse Text dialog box now works correctly (thanks, Quinn)
Versions 11.3.5 — 2021.09.22 (The oldest known bug fix!)
Fixed the oldest know bug in Stereonet: contouring a dataset with evenly distributed points around the primitive would incorrectly fill the center of the polygon for the lowest contour rather than the area between the polygon and the primitive circle. This has now been fixed and, in addition, contours can now have holes in them, etc. Backstory: I’ve know about this bug for a long time but it wasn’t until relatively recently that I had the graphical programming tools that were necessary to make the composite paths (multiple paths that act as one) necessary to draw these accurately. As a programmer, one has to worry about making sure that the “winding” of the polygons in the composite path is correct (counterclockwise ordering of the vertices for the outermost polygon, clockwise for the inner ones), which can be a pain. When this happened with my plots in the past, I would just fix it manually in a vector graphics program. This has now been remedied, HOWEVER, doing so required re-architecting how contours are draw so may have introduced new bugs. (Thanks, Ron)
Fixed a stupid typo in the code for the axial plane finder, which would only work correctly when the overturned limb was listed first. It should work correctly under all conditions (thanks, Ann)
Versions 11.3.2 — 2021.09.22
Fixed a bug where the calculation of the number of plane intersections would produce twice the number of actual intersections (thanks, Andrew!)
Other small bug fixes and refinements.
Versions 11.3.0, 11.3.1 — 2020.12.01
Stereonet can now label the outer edge of the primitive with Cardinal coordinates and azimuths at 30° intervals. The first time you run Stereonet v. 11.3, it will show these labels and ask whether you want to make them the defaults. After that, new windows will always open with your preference. You can turn on labels for any individual plot in the Stereonet Tab of the Inspector Palette. You can also change the defualt behavior by turning on or off labels in the Inspector, and then in Preferences check "Set to current settings in Inspector” and click Okay.
v. 11.3.1 the binary file now saves the stereonet labels preferences for individual datasets.
v. 11.3.1 The great circle paths are now drawn with rounded end caps
Fixed — Stereonet will not longer crash if you do not make any entries one of the text fields of the Rotation dialog box.
Versions 11.2.1, 11.2.2 — 2020.09.29
StraboSpot user names are forced to be lowercase so they will always work, regardless of how you type them in (the StraboSpot database only uses lowercase names). Passwords are always case-sensitive (as they should be!).
Fixed a bug when entering alternating ad hoc line and planes with the mouse (thanks, Tayna).
Fixes a stupid bug where the program would throw an error while reading preferences on start up if the user had not previously entered a Geologist’s Name in Preferences. This is now fixed (thanks, Marlina and Scott).
Version 11.2.0 — 2020.09.25
StraboSpot Download — You can now download any StraboSpot dataset which has orientations in it from your StraboSpot account. Select File>StraboSpot>Download and a popupmenu with all your projects will be populated. Select a project and the datasets popup menu will be populated. Select the dataset that you want and click the Download button. When the dataset has been downloaded, the dialog will disappear automatically and your dataset will be plotted.
A new entry under preferences allows you to save the email address that you use for your StraboSpot login so that you only need entry you password, which only needs to be entered once per session.
The usual bug fixes.
Versions 11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.1.3 — 2020.08.15
Fixed a bug triggered by trying to save an SVG file when the stereonet grid was turned off (thanks, Stéphane).
Fixed a bug that was triggered when the Inspector was visible and the user switched data sets by clicking in the data sets panel rather than using the popup menu in the Inspector.
Fixed a bug related to unfolding of planes (¡Gracias, Dilan!)
Fixed a bug related to exporting SVG plots of rose diagrams based on trends of lines (Thanks, Derek!)
SVG output of rose diagrams now will display the mean vector and error envelop if the vector is shown in the plot.
Minor fine tuning
Versions 11.1.0 — 2020.07.23
Fixed a bug in the axial plane finder that affected users on non-U.S. localized systems (thanks, Claudio).
Better and more consistent internationalization throughout the program.
Versions 11.0.9 — 2020.06.05
Fixed a bug that prevented lines data entry in “PT” format (thanks, Alex).
Versions 11.0.8 — 2020.05.27
Mean vector arrow for rose diagrams has returned with a wedge of uncertainty as well.
Fixed a rotation bug affecting plane rotations (thanks, Paul)
Enabled rotations of small circles and arcs
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when text annotations were dragged outside the plot more than 1.5 radii from the center of the diagram (thanks, Sarah).
The users manual now has a detailed privacy statement describing what information is sent to online service providers (for elevations, satellite images, and StraboSpot)
Versions 11.0.7 — 2020.05.24
NEW — Set the margins of the plot in the Stereonet tab of the Inspector. This will enable you to make text annotations outside of the plot, especially on the W and N sides.
Labels should now show up in SVG graphics
couple of bug fixes
Versions 11.0.5 — 2020.05.17
SVG graphical output back by popular demand (all two of you!)
Move robust localization. That’s right, if you live in a country that uses a comma for the decimal point, you will see commas in the list boxes, datum details, etc.
Improved version tracking.
A few bug fixes.
Versions 11.0.2, 11.0.3 — 2020.05.14
New, modern, internal data structure
3D view can be grabbed and rotated with the mouse to help students visualize the lower hemisphere. With the mouse scroll wheel, you can even fly through the model! 3D view colors and plot elements are user configurable
Drag data sets to change the order of plotting of individual data sets.
New menu commands: Data➤Merge With and Data➤New Dataset from Selection
Label individual observations (in addition to text annotations)
Revamped axial plane finder (no more acute and obtuse angle confusion!)
Change data formats with new dropdown menu in the Datasets Listbox
Open Recent submenu in the File Menu gives you rapid access to the last ten files you have opened.
UNDO (finally!)!! You can now use Edit➤Undo Delete if you change your mind about having deleted a dataset or a group of individual data points. You can only undo the most recent deletion and Undo does not work on plot changes (because you can already undo those by changing your Plot Menu selections) or operations (because Operations now always create new datasets rather than replacing existing data sets).
Inspector Palette now opens automatically to the Datasets Tab and selected dataset if there is a selected dataset. Otherwise it opens to the Stereonet Tab.
Option to dynamically change point size with changes in window size.
Option to use Aki-Richards format for lines on planes (i.e., rake)
Completely rewritten users manual (which I’m sure you’ll want to read carefully ;-)
Things that are different/missing with respect to Stereonet 10:
.SVG output is not currently available in v. 11. The PDF output is now very robust and can be used in all cases where you would have used SVG. If you want SVG let me know so I can gauge the interest in its return to v. 11.
Lines in Latitude-longitude format for plotting continent outlines on the upper hemisphere. My impression is that this feature was almost never used. If you would like to see it return, let me know
Printing. Due to a bug in the compiler that I use, printing is currently disabled. As soon as the compiler is fixed, printing will be enabled.