Strat Desktop 2
Strat desktop is a simple stratigraphic section construction program. It is designed primarily to view, edit and output high quality graphics for Strat Mobile data files, but it can also be used as a stand alone program to build sections from scratch, including calculating thicknesses from field data such as tape measure, Jacob Staff, GPS coordinates of the top and base, etc. Strat Desktop has the following features:
Data file is compatible with Strat Mobile data files and vice versa
Allows you to edit and revise sections collected with Strat Mobile, including inserting or deleting intervals, changing descriptions, thicknesses, sample locations, etc.
Enter new sections directly in Strat Desktop. The program can calculate true stratigraphic thickness from all typical field data (tape measure, GPS coordinates, Jacob staff, etc.)
Provides for high quality graphic output as SVG (scaleable vector graphics), an open format that can be read by most modern vector graphics programs as well as modern web browsers.
Find any text in the notes fields of either the intervals or samples rapidly.
Use the system clipboard to copy section data to or from Strat Desktop.
Version History
v. 2.6.9 — 2023.02.09 (Mac only)
Recompiled as a universal binary for native operability on ARM M-series Mac computers.
v. 2.6.8 — 2021.10.08
The Add Well Data dialog box now allows you to identify the number of header lines in the copied text that precede the data you want to enter
You can now specify a total depth (or bottom hole elevation) in the Add Well Data dialog box and the thickness of the lowest unit in the well will be adjusted to reflect the recorded thickness in the well. Previously, the thickness of the lowest unit was arbitrarily set to 20 m.
FIXED — A bug in the Windows version that prevented the user from pasting data into the Add Well Data dialog box. The mac version was not affected by this bug and has not been updated.
v. 2.6.6 — 2020.07.05
FIXED — Unexpected crashing behavior when the user tried to calculate a thickness without first adding an interval.
IMPROVED — Deselecting all intervals now clears the details tab as well.
v. 2.6.5 — 2019.11.13 (the PDF edition!)
This version corrects a potentially serious bug in the calculation of stratigraphic thickness using GPS coordinates. Not all of the variables in the equation were using the same units. If you have any thickness data that were calculated using GPS coordinates, please recalculate them!
The Mac version is now delivered as an Apple Installer package that has be notarized by Apple for deployment on Mac OS 15 (Catalina) systems.
v. 2.6.0 — 2019.10.03 (the PDF edition!)
Save your strat sections as PDF files! Saved PDF files are automatically scaled to the height of one page.
Copy sections as PDF for pasting into your favorite graphics program. The pasted PDF has the same scale as the on-screen version, meaning you can copy high resolution graphics of sections much longer than a page. The receiving application must be able to received pasted input in PDF format.
The selection box on the section is now mitred to avoid the punk look!
This version corrects an issue where the Inspector palette would seem not to appear when the app was in full screen mode.
v. 2.5.5 — 2019.09.16
Windows 32-bit version now available
Bug Fixes
v. 2.5.0 — 2019.03.28
You can now enter formation names as well as lithologies. The column can be colored either by lithology or by formation name
Formation name types can be exported and imported (just like lithology types) so that you can apply the same colors and widths to multiple columns with the same formations.
You can now enter well data by cutting and pasting from a spreadsheet or well data. Copy the data including formation names, tops, and sonic velocities in the spreadsheet, go to Section>Well Data>Add Well data and paste into the listbox and add additional information.
If you have entered sonic velocities, you can plot your section in milliseconds of two-way travel time for comparing to seismic reflection data.
The Inspector Palette now has two tabs, one for Appearance and the other (new one) for Well Data. In the Well Data Tab, you can toggle on or off sonic velocities, whether the section is colored by lithology or formation, and whether the section is plotted in thickness or in two-way travel time in milliseconds.
v. 2.1.1 — 2018.04.29
Bug fix for the case where the width of a lithology of zero, as specified in either a lithology type file or a normal data file, would cause the program to hang. It turns out that zeros are a great way to generate infinite loops! (Thanks, Robert)
Fixed incorrect display of data from a previously viewed interval in the currently selected interval if the current interval had no entry for that attribute.
v. 2.1.0 — 2018.04.23
Parse any column-formatted text file for reading into Strat Desktop. Choose File>Parse Column, open the file, and assign columns to Strat Desktop data types in the Parse Text File dialog box.
bug fixes
v. 2.0.2 — 2018.04.19
Numerous small bug fixes
File>Parse Column will read a file with names and thicknesses (separated by a tab character) from top to bottom only and will generate a strat column. This is fairly limited at present but will eventually allow people to parse a strat file in any format and generate a section.
v. 2.0.1 — 2018.04.17
Fixed stupid crashing bug on saving sections under certain conditions
Will not write samples header to the data file if there are no samples
v. 2.0.0 — 2018.04.16
Compatability with the new Strat Mobile v. 2.0 file format
Incorporation of sedimentary lithologies database.
Specify grain size at top and base of individual intervals
Specify the nature of the basal contact.
Export and import suites of lithology definitions for different projects. You can also copy and paste lithologies between projects/columns
Export data as a .csv file that can be imported into SedLog for more detailed analysis.