StrainSim 3
StrainSim 3 is an update of my simple forward modeling program to simulate simple shear, pure shear, and progressive deformation. This version is compatible with the latest Mac and Windows operating systems. The program is designed as a teaching and visualization device. As such it can animate progressive deformations, plot particle paths, and provides text access to lengths and angles in all steps of a deformation to allow the user to capture the data and plot it in an external program. As the screen shot below shows, the program can also read text files of digitized objects like fossils for deformation.
Version History
Version 3.7.0 — 2020.12.12
Recompiled with modern compiler
Mac version is now notarized and comes with a package installer
Windows version now comes with an installer
File>Save as PICT was eliminated as the PICT format is no longer supported on any platform.
Version 3.6.5 — 2019.09.14
Recompiled with modern compiler
Hi-DPI and DarkMode aware
Windows version is now 64-bit
Windows version is now wrapped in a simple installer.
Version 3.6.1 — 2015.04.26
Fixed a scaling problem with the Mohr Circle plot for very low strains. The circle should now always plot in the window and not outside of it (thanks, Nestor!)
Line now plot in the Mohr Circle diagram only if lines are selected from the Plot menu.
Cosmetic changes and bug fixes
Version 3.6.0 — 2015.04.04
Added ability to do general shear (aka. simultaneous pure and simple shear, subsimple shear, Etc.)
Error checking for unanticipated behaviors on the part of the user improved
Added a "repeat with previous parameters" menu option (cmd/ctrl R) which allows you to do several steps quickly
Particle paths are now computed for box corners if lines are not entered.
Version 3.5.1 — 2015.03.19
Changed order of tabs
Fixed problems with text upon opening a saved file.
Bug fixes
Version 3.5.0 — 2015.03.18
Added a Mohr Circle tab so you can see the Mohr's Circle for finite strain in the deformed state for the current deformation and lines
The diagram in the Mohr circle tab can be saved as an .svg file
Version 3.1.0 — 2014.01.29
The Mac version of StrainSim is now code signed with my official developer certificate so it can be installed and run the first time with just an "are you sure..." dialog box.
New Help Menu provide easy access to the Users Manual. It will automatically launch the users manual in your default PDF reader app.
Version 3.0.5 — 2013.03.26
The Mac version is now a Cocoa app rather than the older Carbon app
bug fixes
Version 3.0.3 — 2012.03.06
Added .svg graphics output, an open, high precision vector format that most modern graphics programs can read. It maintains the transparency that you see on the screen.
Added a "Revert to Undeformed" menu option under the Model Menu.
corrected a bug that resulted in the wrong values being written for lines in the table on the left side of the Info Tab
The values and orientations of the principal axes of strain and the LNFE are now written to the text area on the left side of the Info Tab at each step.
Version 3.0.0 — 2012.02.20
Initial public release of the program with completely new interface and compatibility with modern operating systems.
Known issues:
Copying from the plot window under Windows XP does not work reliably (at all?). I do not have a Windows 7 system to test to see if it is also true under that more modern system.
Degree symbols (°) do not display correctly in Windows, or in text read in from the binary file format